These are quotes from Famous people which have been elaborated by me. Each inspiration is followed by a poem written by me followed by an elaboration. The pictures are Taken from the internet and the blog has no commercial implication.


God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also on trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars. Martin Luther

If you ever want to know
What God does in his leisure
He plays with the clouds
And derives his pleasure.

He teases the fiery clouds
Gently pushing them around
And clouds express their anger
Spitting sparks on the ground.

Some times he peeps down
Curiously for no reason
You can see a bright hallow
Slivery or some times crimson.

He moulds the clouds like clay
Different shapes to convey
He whistles gentle breeze
To erase and blow them away.

When God has a heavy heart
Like the heavy clouds in the sky
He weeps and lightens his heart
And thirsty earth gets its supply.- Vasant Khisty

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The sky is like a slate, and God uses it to convey several messages. The problem is our lack of interpretation. Some times we can see clouds shaped like a volcano, some times a big bear. Some times we see a rainbow, some times Golden light peeping from behind. Whatever it is God has his ways of amusing us.
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July 12, 2022 at 4:49 AM delete



I Inspire

Hi There are times when inspiration can lift up a person and times when criticism can kill a person. I have chosen to inspire people through my poems and songs which are original. These are built upon quotes by great people and these songs and poems have no commercial implication. Any one is free to read them and use them as inspiration i believe should be free for all. So please read them and get inspired.
