If you have a sister you have a friend
She is one whom you can never offend
She is like your mother in disguise
If she is angry don’t let her comb your hair
If you are guilty don’t look at her stare
For she will defend you no matter what
You shall always been in her thought.
She holds your hand and touches your heart
She is concerned of your pimples and wart
She is a bit of childhood no one can ever rob
In the middle of night she can hear my sob.
She is the one who always thinks of you
When going gets tough she winks at you
You can kid the world but not your sister
She is the one who will soothe your blister. - Vasant Khisty
A sister is an image of a mother. God has given her the same concerns as a mother has for you. Her eyes lit up with pride on your achievements. She may fight with you or get angry but her heart beats for you always.
Write commentsWOW.....its really heart touchin.....now i reallly miss my bro....:(