Worry is termite for the wood.
Mindless thinking does no good
Worry is like rust on a blade.
It blunts the edges of my spade.
Hang your troubles on a tree.
Your mind will be worry free.
It's like Fathers rocking chair
On which we sit and go nowhere.
It trickles through your body
To give you ulcers some where.Throw the burden of your worry
Then only can you soar high and fly
Look at God for all your fears
And you will surely get a reply- Vasant Khisty
We think of things which never going to happen. We worry about ten stones rolling at us out of which nine will pass by. Worry is like a disease to the mind. It kills your mind and body like a cancer. Slowly and steadily it creeps inside your body and eats away like a termite.
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Dhanya baaaaad rakesh ji