Never Criticise a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes- Native American Proverb
Stand where i stand and measure my size
It's for you to say I did all wrong
Your criticism shall make me strong.
Throw a stone at me and I shall hold
I will possess it like a piece of gold
With these stones I build my foundation
Slowly and steadily will rise my reputation.
I get criticised cause I do some thing
By the people who can do nothing.
Come wear my shoes and take a walk
Now I will listen to you if you can talk.
If you criticise let it be constructive
A bad criticism is always destructive
If you comment let it be objective
Cause a honest criticism is always productive.- Vasant Khisty
People criticise because that's the only thing they are good at. Don't get disheartened if you get criticised, cause you are doing something which is drawing attention. Getting criticism is a sign of getting noticed.Notice all constructive criticism and try to improve upon it. They are the bricks that build your foundation.
Write commentsya seriously man!!! i get alot of it helps to sme extent.
ReplyIt also depends on hw u react to it,,i mean u wanna take it u do bt if u don, u ignore it.wat say???
Get hold of the good meaning ful criticism and use them to improve yourself. It depends on what the motive behind those criticism