Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet. -Roger Miller
If God has given humidity
He follows it by a rain
God has his own kind ways
Of soothing our pain.
Some people wait for rain
And some wish it stops
It flows down the drain
Some starve for few drops.
During the hot summer
As it soaks the rain drops
You can hear the earth Sigh.You can feel God caressing
When the droplets hits the face
When the sky burst into tears
Then you can feel his grace.Hold your hands and walk
And feel the gentle shower
Few drops hanging on to leaves
And droplets smooching the flower. - Vasant Khisty
There is nothing as relieving as the first rain of the season. Every one comes out of their homes to greet it. Children get wet and make paper boats. Some times they jump into a puddle and splash the water. God has several mercies on us and one of them is the rain.