The sea waves were different a minute ago
So was the wind and so was your own body
Several newborn still to come, several to go
In a second the universe has changed already.Tomorrow is another day and another night
There would be a new bud and a new flower
There would be another sun and moon light
And there would be another rain and shower.
Shall not be in sync with the natural clock
Law of changes in the universe are strange
If we don’t change we shall hit the road block- Vasant Khisty
Change is the only constant. Every aspect of this universe is changing. The population is changing, the environment is changine, The universe is changing every minute ever second. Every second we have new body cells being born and we are getting older. The ocean changes the mountains change, and every aspect of this universe is changing. We need to change with this world too or we are like a dead body. People who don’t change with time are left behind.