These are quotes from Famous people which have been elaborated by me. Each inspiration is followed by a poem written by me followed by an elaboration. The pictures are Taken from the internet and the blog has no commercial implication.

God is not deaf and blind

“Listen! The LORD is not too weak to save you, and He is not becoming deaf. He can hear you when you call.” (Isaiah 59:1, The Book)

He is the only one who can hear
The faint heart beat of an ant
I wonder why he pretends to be deaf
When he can hear the breathing of a plant


He is the one who can see
The black hole in the darkest of night
Then why he pretends to be blind
When he can see the human plight

He knows it all and he knows it why
He knows why he lets the baby cry
If he wishes he can interfere
But for some reason he stays clear.

There is no denial that he is not there
To blame him for everything is unfair
He gave this land for us to grow
and allowed us to reap what we sow.

We question his existence when we see some one being raped , killed or tortured and we ask what is God doing , why does'nt he intervene during such calamities. Even the holiest of saints don’t have a answer for this except a logic that what you sow shall you reap.
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I Inspire

Hi There are times when inspiration can lift up a person and times when criticism can kill a person. I have chosen to inspire people through my poems and songs which are original. These are built upon quotes by great people and these songs and poems have no commercial implication. Any one is free to read them and use them as inspiration i believe should be free for all. So please read them and get inspired.
