These are quotes from Famous people which have been elaborated by me. Each inspiration is followed by a poem written by me followed by an elaboration. The pictures are Taken from the internet and the blog has no commercial implication.

Justification for inequality

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A person reaps what he sows.
(Gal. 6:7)

Why is Life so unequal?
Different fruits from same seed
Some say it’s the wish of God
Some reason it as our deed.

Why do the deserving suffer?
And why do undeserving enjoy
Some kids beg on the streets
While some play with their toy.

Many claim to know the reason
And have cooked their philosophy
Its one and only Lord Almighty
Who is the custodian of this key-Vasant Khisty

Many great people, faith religions have cooked their own reasons to justify the inequality in this world. Though the logics seem convincing but the truth is known to one and only one, rest is all intellectual assumptions

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I Inspire

Hi There are times when inspiration can lift up a person and times when criticism can kill a person. I have chosen to inspire people through my poems and songs which are original. These are built upon quotes by great people and these songs and poems have no commercial implication. Any one is free to read them and use them as inspiration i believe should be free for all. So please read them and get inspired.
