These are quotes from Famous people which have been elaborated by me. Each inspiration is followed by a poem written by me followed by an elaboration. The pictures are Taken from the internet and the blog has no commercial implication.


I have the handicap of being born with a special language to which I alone have the key.

Gustave Flaubert

Don’t be sad if you’re deaf
For you can hear what others can’t
If you can listen to his silence
Nothing else you shall want

Don’t be sad if you are blind
For you can see what others cannot
You can see the nothingness
For he resides in the invisible dot

Don’t be sad if you can’t speak
For your mind can communicate
Orators of thousand scriptures
Cannot cross through his gate. - Vasant Khisty

Do we know if people who cant speak see or hear are handicap or the people who can are handicapped. For they can hear what we cant they can see what we cant and they can communicate what we cant. All our abilities has created barriers from what the master wanted us to see hear or say.

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I Inspire

Hi There are times when inspiration can lift up a person and times when criticism can kill a person. I have chosen to inspire people through my poems and songs which are original. These are built upon quotes by great people and these songs and poems have no commercial implication. Any one is free to read them and use them as inspiration i believe should be free for all. So please read them and get inspired.
