The mind is like a crazy monkey, which leaps about and never stays in one place. It is completely restless and constantly paranoid about its Surroundings. The training, or the meditation practice, is a way to catch the monkey, to begin with- Quoted by Ocean of Dharma
Mind you are like a monkey
Very difficult to put a reign
You jump from tree to tree
And the reason for all the pain.
A free mind is like a pot
Which can hold many an ocean
A disturbed mind is like a river
Causing too much commotion..
Men who can tame the monkey
Are often known as a master
Their destination gets closer
They reach out to God faster. - Vasant Khisty
Our Mind is like Monkey which jumps from one place to another Meditation helps catch this monkey in the mind. This is the most difficult thing to achieve and those who achieve it are called masters